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英语翻译---在线等--【专家解说】:Over the last decade, Spain has experienced one of the most spectacular

【专家解说】:Over the last decade, Spain has experienced one of the most spectacular growth rates for wind energy installation in Europe supported by aggressive development, strong technological content and a sustained fall in unit costs. According to the latest figures, 795 MW of new wind tur¬bines were installed during 2000. This raises the total ca¬pacity in the country to 2234 MW (almost 3000 turbines), just behind Denmark, which holds the second place in the European league table (see Fig. 6). 得益于发展迅猛、技术含量提升及单个成本持续缩减,西班牙过去10年是欧洲风能装机量增长最快的国家之一。最新数据显示,该国2000年新装风力涡轮发电机容量达795兆瓦。至此,西班牙的风电总装机容量达到了2234兆瓦(总计安装了近3000台风力涡轮发电机),在欧洲仅居丹麦之后(见图6)。 The most important leg¬islative change in support of wind and other renewables came in December 1999, when the Spanish Council of Ministers approved the national Plan for the Promotion of Renewable Energy prepared by IDEA (the Agency for Energy Saving and Diversification). The targets of this plan have been set to coincide with those laid down in the Law on the Elec¬tricity Sector, which stated that 12% of total energy demand in Spain would be met from renewable sources by 2010. This target, moreover, is similar to that set for the European Union in the White Paper on Renewable Energy [3]. 1999年12月见证了西班牙法律在支持风能及其它可再生能源的重大转变。当时,内阁会议批准了由IDEA制定的推广可再生能源的全国性方案。这一方案恰好与电力法所设定的目标相吻合,即到2010年西班牙12%的能源总需求将由可再生能源来满足。此外,这与欧盟可再生能源白皮书的目标也相差不远【3】。 This plan was approved at a key moment for the country’s renewables in¬dustry, with a number of technologies reaching maturity. As far as wind energy is concerned, the estimated utilizable tech¬nical potential lies in the 7500–15 000 MW range. This has led to the proposal of a planned increase to 8140 MW (com¬pared with installed capacity of 834 MW in 1998) and pro¬duction of 19 536 GWh/year, equivalent to 1680 Ktoe. The plan set the ambitious objective of reaching 5500 MW of in¬stalled wind power by 2006. This would represent an invest¬ment of more than 4.6 million Euros. 这一方案的批准,正值西班牙可再生产业的关键时刻,因为当时一系列技术日臻完善。就风能来说,预计可用的技术潜力约7500~15000兆瓦。正基于此,西班牙计划将风能装机总量提高至8140兆瓦(别忘了,1998年该国风能装机总量为834兆瓦),每年的发电量增加至19536Gwh,相当于1680Ktoe(千吨石油当量)。这一方案为西班牙制定了雄心勃勃的目标,即2006年该国风电装机总容量达到5500兆瓦;这也意味着一项超过460万欧元的投资。 Most parts of the country have been involved to a greater or lesser extent in this national effort, while nearly all Spanish provinces now have their own wind energy plans. The most active regions during 2000 were Galicia, Castilla La Mancha, Castilla y Leon, and Navarre, all steadily increasing the exploitation of their large wind potential. Galicia leads the national list with about 30% of the total installed capacity. Galicia has already produced its own white paper on energy, and also ratified a law covering wind energy, whose main aim is to facilitate the administrative procedures involved in obtaining licences for wind parks. The year 2000 has already been exceptional with a growth rate of 64% over 1999. 西班牙各地,或多或少都卷入了这场全国性的风能发展洪流中。几乎所有的省都拥有了自己的能源发展方案。在2000年,风头最盛的地区无疑是Galicia、Castilla La Mancha、Castilla y Leon和Navarre;凭借着自身丰富的风力资源,它们均持续增加了对该能源的利用。作为全国风能利用的排头兵,Galicia已推出了自己的能源白皮书,并签署了一项与风能有关的法律,旨在加快诸如发放风力发电厂牌照等行政程序。2000年是卓有成效的一年;该地区的风能较上年增加了64%。 Castilla La Mancha experienced the highest growth of 2900% during 2000, an increase from 11 to 323 MW. The region is now preparing a Plan for the Promotion of Renewable Energy, with the objective of reaching 500 MW by the end of 2001. Castilla y Leon has also seen some major wind parks installed, doubling its capacity from 108 to 215 MW. Navarra has continued to build on its 25% contribution to the national total during 1999, reaching 486 MW by the end of 2000. 2000年,Castilla La Mancha的风能总量增长了2900%,从11兆瓦增至323兆瓦。该地区拟推出一项可再生能源推广方案,以便在2001年底装机总容量达到500兆瓦。Castilla y Leon也上马了一些大型的风力发电厂,装机总容量从108兆瓦翻了一番至215兆瓦。1999年,Navarra 的风力发电量已达西班牙全国的25%。在此基础上,该地区2000年底的装机总容量将达486兆瓦。 The largest manufacturer of wind turbines continues to be Gamesa-Vestas, which historically has installed 57% of Spain’s capacity, according to the latest figures from IDEA. This lead is followed by two entirely Spanish companies, Ecotecnia and Made, with 12% and 11%, each. It is important to stress the effect that this industrial and technological development is progressively having on the unemployment level in Spain. In some regions, wind energy investment has made a major contribution to the revitalization of weak economies, providing justification for its promotion by both regional and local government. In the process, any traditional reluctance to accept a new technology has been effectively bypassed. 最大的风力涡轮发动机依然是Gamesa-Vestas;IDEA的最新数据显示,西班牙57%的风电总装机容量,均出自它的手笔。紧随其后的是两家西班牙本土企业Ecotecnia和Made;它们的市场份额分别达到了12%和11%。需要注意的是,产业和技术的进步也持续降低了西班牙的失业率。在一些地区,风能投资为振兴萎靡不振的经济作出了贡献;这也令各级政府积极支持风能发展提供了动力。因此,不愿接受新生技术的传统也被有效地避免了。