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时间:2024-08-17 13:47:26

关于做好电力工程的英语作文热心网友:Power shortage a serious impediment to the development of the national e

热心网友:Power shortage a serious impediment to the development of the national economy. Experience around the world shows that the pace of development of electricity production should be higher than the growth rate of other sectors, in order to promote the coordinated development of the national economy, so the electric power industry has been called an economic "vanguard."  If China's economic development is likened to the "body", then the power engineering construction is undoubtedly support the body flexible movement "bones." How can I ask a healthy body able to leave strong bones it? Continuously push forward the construction of power like the bones provides unlimited energy, plenty of energy supply is a strong guarantee for the effective functioning of the body of the function.  2012, by the world economic recovery is slow and the impact of domestic macro-control, China's economic growth continued decelerating trend, the annual GDP 51.9322 trillion yuan, calculated at comparable prices, an increase of 7.8% over the previous year. Since 2000, China's power consumption, the production rate has been higher than GDP growth, which makes electricity (production, consumption) long-term elasticity coefficient greater than 1, so that the energy consumption per unit of GDP has been difficult to come down, indicating that the strong momentum of China's electricity consumption .  "Twelve Five" will be a key period for China's development mode transformation of electricity, power companies have to seize the opportunity to accelerate the innovation and development, adhere to conservation priority, a priority to develop hydropower, optimizing the development of coal, to develop nuclear power, and actively promote new energy generation, moderate development of gas central power, local conditions to develop distributed generation, to accelerate the construction of a strong smart grid, promote the development of the equipment industry, and promote the harmonious development of the green. "Twelve Five" period, the country's electricity industry investment will reach 5.3 trillion yuan, than the "Eleventh Five" increased by 68%. Aspects of power project construction, "Twelve Five Year Plan" power investment of about 2.75 trillion yuan, accounting for 52% of all electricity investments. By 2015, the national power generation capacity will reach 1.437 billion kilowatts, an average annual increase of 8.5%. Among them, water is 284 million kilowatts, 41 million kilowatts pumped storage, coal 933 million kilowatts, 43 million kilowatts of nuclear power, natural gas power 30 million kilowatts, 100 million kilowatts of wind power, solar power 2 million kilowatts, biomass power generation and other 300 million kilowatts.  Power grid construction, "Twelve Five Year Plan" grid investment of about 2.55 trillion yuan, accounting for 48% of total electricity investment. In 2015 the country will form the north, east and central China UHV power grid as the core of the "three vertical and three horizontal" main grid. Ximeng, Mengxi, Zhangbei, North Shaanxi energy base by three longitudinal UHV transmission channel to the north, east and central China, northern coal, Southwest Water through three lateral UHV access to the north, central and Yangtze River Delta UHV power transmission ring.  The rapid development of power engineering construction and reasonable structure for China's economic development provides a strong guarantee, robust "bones" to promote the sound and rapid development of national economy.  电力不足严重阻碍着国民经济的发展。世界各国的经验表明,电力生产的发展速度应高于其他部门的发展速度,才能促进国民经济的协调发展,所以电力工业又被称为国民经济的“先行官”。  如果把我国的经济发展比作是“身体”,那么,电力工程建设无疑就是支撑身体灵活运动的“筋骨”。试问一个健康的身体怎能离得开强健的筋骨呢?电力工程建设的不断推进就像是为筋骨提供了无限的能量,充沛的能量供应是身体各项机能有效运作的有力保障。  2012年,受世界经济复苏缓慢和国内宏观调控的影响,我国经济增长延续减速态势,全年国内生产总值519322亿元,按可比价格计算,比上年增长7.8%。自2000年以来,中国电力消费、生产的速度一直高于GDP增速,这使得电力(生产、消费)弹性系数长期大于1,因此单位GDP能耗一直难以降下来,说明我国的电力消费势头强劲。  “十二五”将是我国转变电力发展方式的关键时期,电力企业须抓住机遇,加快创新发展,坚持节约优先、优先开发水电、优化发展煤电、大力发展核电、积极推进新能源发电、适度发展天然气集中发电、因地制宜发展分布式发电、加快推进坚强智能电网建设、带动装备工业发展、促进绿色和谐发展。“十二五”期间,全国电力工业投资将达到5.3万亿元,比“十一五”增长68%。电源工程建设方面,“十二五”规划电源投资约为2.75万亿元,占全部电力投资的52%。2015年,全国发电装机容量将达到14.37亿千瓦左右,年均增长8.5%。其中,水电为2.84亿千瓦,抽水蓄能4100万千瓦,煤电9.33亿千瓦,核电4300万千瓦,天然气发电3000万千瓦,风电1亿千瓦,太阳能发电200万千瓦,生物质能发电及其他300万千瓦。  电网建设方面,“十二五”规划电网投资约2.55万亿元,占电力总投资的48%。2015年全国将形成以华北、华东、华中特高压电网为核心的“三纵三横”主网架。锡盟、蒙西、张北、陕北能源基地通过三个纵向特高压交流通道向华北、华东、华中地区送电,北部煤电、西南水电通过三个横向特高压交流通道向华北、华中和长三角特高压环网送电。  电力工程的快速发展和合理的建设结构为我国的经济发展提供了有力保障,强健的“筋骨”促进了我国国民经济的又好又快发展。

  1. 求一篇介绍生物质能源的英语文章,不要抄的,300--400字。多谢各位大侠了~
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  8. 下列与化学有关的表述正确的是( )A.生物质能源是可再生能源,缺点是严重污染环境B.人类的活动不影
  9. 结合日本的资源特点说说该国大力发展核电的必要性【字不要太多】
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  11. 【题文】2010年4月中旬全球核安全峰会在华盛顿举行,发展核电、制裁核武器发展是会议主题,各式各样电池的发展是化学对人类的一项重
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