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时间:2024-08-17 13:45:07


【专家解说】:在爆竹声中,我们迎来了中国人最盛大的节曰——春节,家家喜气洋洋,挂上红红的灯笼,贴上红红的春联,忙忙碌碌…… 正月初一,又是一个快乐的曰子。 以往我都是起得最晚的人,可今天我争了个第一,因为极想闻闻那香气扑鼻的爆竹烟味儿。一串串鞭炮在人们手中点燃,声音真大,四处飞溅,仿佛要把每一个祝福送到千家万户,一阵阵爆竹声接连不断,噼里啪啦的,热闹非凡。 在鞭炮声过后,就没有什么好玩的了。还是吃早餐吧,待会儿出去玩一玩! 吃过饭后,我邀几个朋友一起去玩,在街上点燃的爆竹在地上开出了美丽的花,漂亮极了,袋里装着父母给的零花钱,甭提多高兴了。今天的小鸟也出来凑热闹,大概它们心里也很高兴吧。 街上不愧是街上,玩的吃的样样俱全。看到的大多数是一些小孩,我瞧了瞧,就数麻辣摊的生意最好: “我要一串年糕!”一个胖孩子叫道。 再去别的地方瞧瞧如何?在一家文具店摊前,我又停下了脚步。那里有各种玩的东西:飞机模型、望远镜、电动汽车……尽是一些玩的东西。我发现最受欢迎的是那些玩的东西。 在其它地方,我还看见有的在卖气球、手枪、跳绳,有的在卖小吃、点心、水果,穿的用的吃的样样俱全,真是无奇不有。 玩了一上午,下午我又要去走亲访友拜新年了,这无疑也是一件高兴的事。 今天真是玩得太痛快了!算是一饱眼福二饱口福三饱手福了。最为幸运的是那些卖主了,今天可是生意兴隆啰! In the sound of firecrackers, we usher in the biggest section of the Chinese people said - the Spring Festival, and everyone happy, hang up red lanterns, red paste New Year couplets, busy ... ... The first day, but also said a happy child. The past, I always get the latest from the people, but today I had a fight first, because most want to smell that smell fragrant smoke of firecrackers. A string of lit firecrackers in people's hands, sounds really big, splash, as if he wished every blessing to every household, successive bursts of firecrackers, crackling, and it buzzes. After the sound of firecrackers to a little fun. Or breakfast bar, later went out to play a play! After dinner, I invited a few friends together to play, lit firecrackers in the street on the ground out a beautiful flower, beautiful, pocket money bag filled with parents, not to mention more than happy. Joined in the fun out of today's birds are probably very happy that they mind it. The street is indeed the street, playing to eat and taste everything. Most see some kids, I glanced to share a few spicy business best: "I want a bunch of cake! " cried a fat child. How to go look somewhere else? Tanqian in a stationery store, I stopped. There are all kinds of fun things: airplane model, the telescope, the electric car ... ... to do some fun things. I found the most popular are those who play things. In other places, I also saw some selling balloons, gun, rope skipping, some selling snacks, dessert, fruit, clothing and everything evil with the food is really full of wonders. To play a morning, afternoon, thanks to the New Year I have to go to visit family, and this certainly is a happy thing. Played too hard a really happy today! Be a real treat to see them all the second hand of the three full blessing. The most fortunate are those vendors, and business is booming today, but Hello!