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时间:2024-08-17 13:23:30

急求中翻英,用关键词。(简单,但量稍多)【专家解说】:confront:Confront: 他们让犯人与原告对质。They let the prisoner with his ac

【专家解说】:confront: Confront: 他们让犯人与原告对质。 They let the prisoner with his accusers. 我第一天上班就面临主持一个会议的任务。 It was my first day on the face to chair a meeting of the task. 我们必须乐观的面对未来。 We must look at the future. anguish : Anguish: 她因孩子的失踪而痛苦不已。 For her children's missing and painful unceasingly. gracefully Gracefully 她走路很优雅。 She walk very elegant. touched Touched 她的心被他的帮助所打动。 Her heart was moved by his help. 同学们笑着叫着在操场上玩。 The classmates laughed called playing in the playground. haven I have 我的房间是个平和而安静的去处。 My room is a peaceful and quiet place. porch porch 在我们的门廊上有成千上万只蚂蚁。 In our porch thousands of ants. shudder Shudder 我一看见爸爸就怕的发抖。 I saw dad was afraid of shiver. rest rest 梯子靠在墙上。 The ladder against the wall. 他的成功有赖于我们的支持。 His success depends on our support. stare off / away into Stare off/away into 他正盯着我看。 He was watching me. final immigration 最后的胜利总是属于人民。 The final victory always belongs to the people. 我父亲的决定总是不可改变。 My father's decision is not changeable. have sth. in common STH. To get in 我和妻子毫无共同之处。 My wife and I have nothing in common. look into Look into 警察已经收到投诉函件,他们正在调查。 The police have received complaint letters, they are investigating. 我在他身旁蹲下,看着他慌乱的眼神。 I beside him squat, looking at him flurried of look in the eyes. gently gently 白雪轻轻飘落。 Snow falls gently. 这条路缓慢盘山而上。 This road is slow and circle mountain. whisper Whisper 她低声说话,为了不吵醒其他人。 She spoke in a low voice, in order not to wake the others. hand in hand In hand 他们手牵着手离去。 They go hand in hand. 战争与苦难是同时并存的。 War and suffering is exist side by side. conspicuously Conspicuously 我能清楚看到前面的那辆车。 I could clearly see the car in front of. 在会议上,她的缺席引人注意。 In the meeting, her absence of attention. kneel kneel 我们跪在地上仔细察看地图 We knelt on the ground carefully studying a map hoarse over 他声音粗哑地问了我一个问题。 His voice voice is husky dumb to asked me a question. evil Learning rarely meet 噪音是城市生活的祸害。 Noise is the scourge of city life. 这个人因为他的罪恶行为而受到了惩罚。 This man for his evil behavior was punished. 她知道这个不幸的日子不会延迟太久。 She knew that the evil day won't delay too long. give in (to) A picture in (to) 当局政府对绑架者的要求丝毫没有让步的迹象。 Authorities to the kidnappers' demands showed no signs of giving in. lock sth. away STH. Lock away 这东西很重要,不要随便乱放,把它锁在什么地方。 It's very important, don't literally put in disorder, lock him in any place. part 'ts 他们很生气地离开。 They left angrily. 他用锤把石头敲碎了。 He hammered in the stone knock ground. bring back Do drivers 这个故事使我想起我幸福的童年。。 This story reminds me of my childhood. Of happiness. gravely Gravely 你若那样想,就大错特错了。 If you think that, you who are wrong. summon summon 领导召集他所有的员工。 Leaders called all his employees. 女王召开议会。 The queen held parliament. note its 所有的司机都得注意路标。 All the drivers must pay attention to the sign. 他指出中国人民花了100年的时间才站起来。 He pointed out that Chinese people spent 100 years of time to stand up. breathing Breathing 他呼吸正常。 His breathing normally.
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