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时间:2024-08-17 13:07:31

什么是太阳崇拜【专家解说】:崇拜太阳或作为太阳神的代表在埃及Atonism,在公元前 14世纪。 Although sun worship has been used freque

【专家解说】:崇拜太阳或作为太阳神的代表在埃及Atonism,在公元前 14世纪。 Although sun worship has been used frequently as a term for “pagan” religion, it is, in fact, relatively rare.虽然太阳崇拜经常被用来作为“异教”的宗教,它是,事实上,比较少见的任期。 Though almost every culture uses solar motifs, only a relatively few cultures (Egyptian, Indo-European, and Meso-American) developed solar religions.虽然几乎所有的文化利用太阳能图案,只有相对较少的文化(埃及,印欧语,和中美洲)开发太阳能宗教。 All of these groups had in common a well-developed urban civilization with a strong ideology of sacred kingship .所有的这些组织有共同发达的和神圣的王权强大思想城市文明。 In all of them the imagery of the sun as the ruler of both the upper and the lower worlds that he majestically visits on his daily round is prominent.在所有这些作为两者的上方和下方世界,他庄严地在他访问的统治者日常一轮太阳意象是突出。 The sun is the bestower of light and life to the totality of the cosmos; with his unblinking, all-seeing eye, he is the stern guarantor of justice; with the almost universal connection of light with enlightenment or illumination, the sun is the source of wisdom.太阳是光明和生命宇宙的总体bestower;与他不眨眼的,全知之眼,他是正义的严峻担保人;与同启蒙或照明灯几乎普遍的连接,太阳是源智慧。 These qualities—sovereignty, power of beneficence, justice, and wisdom—are central to any elite religious group, and it is within these contexts that a highly developed solar ideology is found.这些素质的主权,慈善,正义的力量和智慧,是中央对任何宗教精英群体,并在这些一个高度发达的太阳能意识形态背景的发现。 Kings ruled by the power of the sun and claimed descent from the sun.国王统治的太阳的能量,并声称来自太阳的后裔。 Solar deities, gods personifying the sun, are sovereign and all-seeing.太阳神,太阳神的化身,是主权和所有观光。 The sun is often a prime attribute of or is identified with the Supreme Deity.太阳往往是一个主要属性,或与最高神确定。 In ancient Egypt the sun god Re was the dominant figure among the high gods and retained this position from early in that civilization's history.在古埃及太阳神是再高的神之间的主导人物,在这留下来的文明历史早了这一立场。 In the myth relating the voyage of the sun god over the heavenly ocean, the sun sets out as the young god Kheper; appears at noon in the zenith as the full-grown sun, Re; and arrives in the evening at the western region in the shape of the old sun god, Atum.在有关超过天上的太阳神海洋航行的神话,太阳出来的年轻的神Kheper,在作为丰满太阳,中午再顶点出现,并在傍晚到达,使西部地区老太阳神,亚图姆的形状。 When the pharaoh Ikhnaton reformed Egyptian religion , he took up the cult of the ancient deity Re-Horakhte under the name of Aton, an older designation of the Sun's disk.当法老埃赫那顿改革埃及的宗教 ,他担任了古代神崇拜再下阿顿,一个太阳盘面较大的指定名称Horakhte。 Under Akhenaton, the sun's qualities as creator and nourisher of the Earth and its inhabitants are glorified.根据阿肯纳东,作为创造者和地球nourisher及其居民的太阳的素质荣耀。 The sun god occupied a central position in both Sumerian and Akkadian religion, but neither the Sumerian Utu nor the Semitic Shamash was included among the three highest gods of the pantheon.太阳神都被苏美尔和阿卡德宗教的中心位置,但无论是苏美尔乌图,也不是闪米特沙马什是其中最高的三神的神殿中。 The sun was one of the most popular deities, however, among the Indo-European peoples and was a symbol of divine power to them.太阳是最受欢迎的神明之一,但在印度,欧洲人民是一个神圣权力的象征他们。 Sūrya is glorified in the Vedic苏里亚是赞美的吠陀 hymns of ancient India as an all-seeing god who observes both good and evil actions.古印度的赞美诗作为观察谁看见神既善和恶的行动,。 He expels not only darkness but also evil dreams and diseases.他不仅驱逐黑暗,而且邪恶的梦想和疾病。 Sun heroes and sun kings also occupy a central position in Indian mythology, where Vivasvant, the father of Yama, corresponds to the Iranian Vivahvant, the father of Yima.孙英雄和太阳王也占了印度神话,在Vivasvant,在阎罗王的父亲,对应于伊朗Vivahvant,义马父亲的中心位置。 There is a dynasty of sun kings, characteristically peaceful, that is quite distinct from the warlike moon kings.有一个王朝的国王的阳光,典型的和平,这的确是由好战的月亮国王不同。 In medieval Iran, sun festivals were celebrated as a heritage from pre-Islāmic times.在中世纪的伊朗,太阳节是庆祝其作为遗产由前伊斯兰时代。 The Indo-European character of sun worship is also seen in the conception of the solar deity, drawn in his carriage, generally by four white horses, common to many Indo-European peoples, and recurring in Indo-Iranian, Greco-Roman, and Scandinavian mythology.印度的太阳崇拜欧洲性格也看到了太阳神的概念,引起他的马车,一般由四匹白马,共同许多印欧语人民和反复出现的印度和伊朗,希腊,罗马,和北欧神话。 During the later periods of Roman history, sun worship gained in importance and ultimately led to what has been called a “solar monotheism.” Nearly all the gods of the period were possessed of solar qualities, and both Christ and Mithra acquired the traits of solar deities.在罗马历史的后期,太阳崇拜的重要性,并取得最终导致了什么所谓的“太阳神。”几乎所有这个时期的神明都拥有太阳能素质,都基督和太阳神获得了性状太阳能神。 The feast of Sol Invictus ( Unconquered Sun ) on December 25 was celebrated with great joy, and eventually this date was taken over by the Christians as Christmas, the birthday of Christ.溶胶永不言败的( 不可征服星期日 )12月25日盛宴怀着极大的喜悦庆祝活动,这一天终于被作为圣诞,生日基督信徒了。 The most famous type of solar cult is the Sun Dance of the Plains Indians of North America .太阳崇拜的最有名的类型是在对北美 平原印第安人 太阳舞 。 In the Pre-Columbian civilizations of Mexico and Peru, sun worship was a prominent feature.在预墨西哥和秘鲁,哥伦比亚太阳崇拜文明是一个突出的特点。 In Aztec religion extensive human sacrifice was demanded by the sun gods Huitzilopochtli and Tezcatlipoca.在阿兹特克宗教广泛的人的牺牲是要求由太阳神Huitzilopochtli和特斯卡特利波卡。 In both Mexican and Peruvian ancient religion, the Sun occupied an important place in myth and ritual.在墨西哥和秘鲁两个古老的宗教,太阳被一个神话和仪式的重要场所。 The ruler in Peru was an incarnation of the sun god, Inti.秘鲁的统治者是一个太阳神,印蒂的化身。 In Japan the sun goddess, Amaterasu, who played an important role in ancient mythology and was considered to be the supreme ruler of the world, was the tutelary deity of the imperial clan, and to this day the sun symbols represent the Japanese state.在日本的太阳女神天照大神,谁发挥了古代神话中的重要作用,被认为是世界的最高统治者,是皇族守护神,而这一天,太阳的符号代表日本的状态。