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时间:2024-08-17 11:18:00

以低碳生活写作文英语的,内容包括流行低碳生活的北京,低碳生活的若干方式,积极影响【专家解说】:  Our earth needs we work together to love,

【专家解说】:  Our earth needs we work together to love, let us start from around things, and cherish resources, reduce the energy consumption and make our life more beautiful.   Before, I always put the electric light on a night to Ming dynasty, water from the night drops to tomorrow morning.   Low carbon way of life, which is in the life detail on notice to reduce fuel energy saving. In addition to do homework must turn on the light outside, the rest of the things out of the window by the lights to help.   As long as I wash ace, faucet tweaked tightly, don't let water "escape" come out, so that I can ease. But I also worry mom and dad will be won't do, every time saw mom and dad into the bathroom faucet of washing hands and let nature take its course are closed, I very happy, I hope "low carbon family" will do better.   Originally, electric open, even small cell phone batteries in the socket stuck in a terrible will emissions of carbon dioxide, as long as the electricity charge the battery should be immediately taken down. I thought that the carbon dioxide only car tail gas, coal burning these will discharge, have never thought life everywhere have weak "carbon" violation in the all of our living and the earth.   Simple understanding, low carbon life is to return uncut jade to return true for people and nature of the activities, mainly from solar power saving and recovery of three links to change life details, including the following some low carbon good life habit: to advocate low carbon, protect the earth   1. Every day of the water that clean out rice can be used to wash their hands brush furniture, the clean health, natural moisture.   2. Will waste newspapers in the bottom of the scene, not only can absorption of moisture, also can absorb in the closet, bad smell.   3. Used of face film paper also don't throw away, and use it to wipe jewelry, brush furniture surface or wipe belt, not only rubbed bright also can leave the fragrance of face film paper;   4. Drink tea of slag, put it to dry in the sun, doing a tea pillow, and comfortable, still can help improve sleeping.   5. Go out shopping, bring their own environmental protection bags, whether it is free or the charge of plastic bags, reduce use.   6. Go out own drink cup, reduce the use of disposable cups. 7. Use permanent chopsticks, lunch boxes, try to avoid the use of disposable tableware.   8. Form the habit of electric power supply with closed, avoid the waste of electricity.   9. Try not to use the refrigerator, air conditioning, hot can be used when the electric fan or fans.   After the modification made by hand, you can discover the original waste is treasure, the household environment health and full of creative little joy.   And some not easy to pay attention to some:   1. Every day, the use of traditional clockwork alarm clock, replace electronic alarm clock;   2. On my lunch break and turn off the computer power supply after work;   3. once need not the electric light, air conditioning, with hand off; Mobile phone once charging finish, immediately pulled out charge plug;   4. Choose air to bask in clothings, avoid using roller-type dryer; Used in the park near jogging in the treadmill instead of 45 minutes exercise;   5. Use energy-saving lamp replacement 60 tile light bulb; Don't drive a car to ride a bike, or foot.   6. When using computer, use as far as possible low light and open the procedures such as less, so that can power saving.   我们的地球需要我们共同来爱护,让我们从身边的小事做起,珍惜资源,降低能耗,让我们的生活更加美好。   以前,我总是把电灯开上个彻夜到明,水从晚上滴到明早.   低碳的生活方式,就是在生活的细节上注重节能减耗。除了做作业必须开灯之外,其余的事情都靠窗外的照明灯来相助。   只要我洗好手,就都把水龙头拧的紧紧地,不让水“逃”出来,这样,我就可以安心了。但我又担忧爸爸妈妈会不会做好,每次看见爸爸妈妈进洗手间洗手并顺其自然的把水龙头关紧,我十分高兴,我希望 “低碳家庭”会做的更好。   原来,电器开着,就连小小的手机电池在插座上插着时都会排放出可怕的二氧化碳,只要充完电就应该将电池立刻取下。我本来以为,二氧化碳只有汽车尾气、煤炭燃烧这些会排放,没想到生活中处处都有微弱的“碳”在侵害着我们大家的生活和地球。   简单理解,低碳生活就是返璞归真地去进行人与自然的活动,主要是从节电节气和回收三个环节来改变生活细节,包括以下一些低碳的良好生活习惯:倡导低碳,呵护地球   1.每天的淘米水可以用来洗手擦家具,干净卫生,自然滋润。   2.将废旧报纸铺垫在衣橱的最底层,不仅可以吸潮,还能吸收衣柜中的异味;   3.用过的面膜纸也不要扔掉,用它来擦首饰、擦家具的表面或者擦皮带,不仅擦得亮还能留下面膜纸的香气;   4.喝过的茶叶渣,把它晒干,做一个茶叶枕头,又舒适,还能帮助改善睡眠。   5.出门购物,自己带环保袋,无论是免费或者收费的塑料袋,都减少使用。   6.出门自带喝水杯,减少使用一次性杯子。 7.多用永久性的筷子、饭盒,尽量避免使用一次性的餐具。   8.养成随手关闭电器电源的习惯,避免浪费用电。   9.尽量不使用冰箱、空调,热时可用电扇或扇子。   经过手工制作的改造,你会发现原来废物也是宝,这样的家居环境健康且充满了创意的小欢乐。   还有一些不容易注意的几点:   1.每天使用传统的发条闹钟,取代电子闹钟;   2.在午休和下班后关掉电脑电源;   3.一旦不用电灯、空调,随手关掉;手机一旦充电完成,立即拔掉充电插头;   4.选择晾晒衣物,避免使用滚筒式干衣机;用在附近公园中的慢跑取代在跑步机上的45分钟锻炼;   5.用节能灯替换60瓦的灯泡;不开汽车改骑自行车,或步行。   6.在使用电脑时,尽量使用低亮度,开启程序少些等,这样可以节电。