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时间:2024-08-17 10:53:50


【专家解说】:青州市圣洁环保设备科技有限公司是在原青州市华光工程自动化设备有限公司发展的基础上,成立的又一新的企业。它坐落于风光秀丽的历史文化名城--青州,既有高超的设备制造水平,又有千年古文化底蕴,它顺应全球可持续发展的潮流,充分结合国家环境新能源发展战略,专注于固体废弃物处理和新能源方面的设备制造、技术研发、工程建设、技术咨询等,为客户提供最实际最专业最科学最先进的设备与技术,为我们的子孙后代创造一个美好世界。 公司业务范围囊括:城镇污水处理厂、污泥综合处理、景观城区、河道清淤、垃圾收集压缩转运、焚烧发电飞灰固化处理、垃圾分选综合处理环卫设备、新能源风力发电技术研发等。 我们本着“创固废三化奇迹,造世间美好环境”的宗旨,竭诚为中外客商、新老用户生产优质的产品,提供一流的售后服务,为美化我们共同的生活环境积极作出贡献。 Qingzhou Shengjie environmental protection equipment Technology Co., Ltd. is in the original Green City Huaguang Engineering Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. on the basis of the development of the establishment of another new business. It is located in the beautiful historical and cultural city - Qingzhou, both superb equipment manufacturing level, there are the Millennium ancient cultural heritage, which conform to the trend of global sustainable development, fully integrated national environmental new energy development strategy, Focus on solid waste disposal and new energy equipment manufacturing, technical research and development, construction, technical advice, etc., to provide customers with the most practical and the most professional and most advanced scientific equipment and technology for our future generations to create a better world. Company's business include: urban sewage treatment plants, sludge integrated treatment, urban landscapes, river dredging, garbage collection compressed transfer, incineration fly ash solidification processing power, the garbage sorting the integrated treatment of sanitation equipment, new energy sources such as wind power technology research and development . We are guided by "The Creation of Solid Waste three miracles, making this world a better environment" the purpose and dedication to domestic and foreign businessmen, old and new customers to produce quality products and provide first-class after-sales service, in order to beautify our living environment together to contribute actively.