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有英文牛人帮忙翻译一些资料吗 感激不尽

时间:2024-08-17 10:16:53

有英文牛人帮忙翻译一些资料吗 感激不尽【专家解说】:-----7页太多啦,你应该去找专业的翻译公司了--------Heat pumps are devices that are

【专家解说】:-----7页太多啦,你应该去找专业的翻译公司了-------- Heat pumps are devices that are primarily used for space heating and cooling applications. 热泵是暖通空调器的主要设备. In the heating only mode, they have also been used for domestic hot water (DHW) and industrial process heat (IPH) applications. 在只供热模式下,家用热水器和工业取暖器都广泛的用到热泵(热机). A heat pump typically operates between two temperature levels, pumping heat from a low temperature source (generally outdoor air for the space heating applications) to a sink or conditioned space being maintained at a higher temperature. 热泵通常是运行在两个温度水平上,即从一个低温源(一般是空暖机从室外取得的空气)压缩增温,并送到一个水槽或者受调节的空间里,以维持较高的温度. The work required to pump a given quantity of heat energy decreases as the temperature difference between the sink and the source decreases. 这就要求,当水槽和低温源的温差降低时,压缩机提供的热能也能作出相应的减少. This also explains the fact that single-stage heat pumps require large work input to pump heat as the outdoor air or sink temperature decreases, as it happens during severe winter conditions. 同时也表明,这种单相热泵需要很大的工作输入,以便在冬天里室外空气或者水槽温度下降的情况下压热. This makes the heat pump operation very inefficient, as reflected in the coefficient of performance (COP) of the heat pump approaching the theoretical limit of unity. 这导致热泵工作效率极其低下,即表现为,热泵的制冷系数降到了机组的理论限定值. This inherent thermodynamic effect related to magnitude of temperature lift is exploited to improve the heat pump COP by raising the source (low end) temperature through solar or ground or ground water coupling. 这种与温升等级有关的热力内效率可用于提高热泵的制冷系数,即利用太阳能或者地热能或者地下水耦合提高热源(低温端)的温度. In solar-assisted heat pumps (SAHP), the topic of present discussion, solar energy is harnessed in a solar collector at a temperature higher relative to the ambient temperature, and is utilized to vaporize the refrigerant in the heat pump evaporator. 在太阳能辅助式热泵中,当今主要是,用一个太阳能收集装置从一个温度较高的周围环境里收集能量,用以汽化热泵内的制冷剂. This configuration is known as the indirect or conventional solar-assisted heat pump configuration. 这种布局即间接式或传统的太阳能辅助集热系统. In this configuration both solar collector and heat pump evaporator are separate units but coupled through a heat exchanger. 此系统中,太阳能收集器和热泵的汽化器是两个单独分开的装置,并通过一个换热器耦合. In a direct expansion heat pump, an alternative configuration, the solar collector also acts as the heat pump evaporator, thus reducing the number of components as well as inefficient thermodynamic processes across the two eliminated units. 在直接膨胀式热泵中,即另一种布局下,太阳能收集装置兼作热泵汽化器,这样既减少了设备组件的数量,也减少了两组件间的热力传送损耗. In direct expansion solar-assisted heat pump (DX-SAHP), liquid refrigerant from the condenser is flashed through a throttle valve into the tubes of the solar collector panel for vaporization and superheating of the refrigerant [1]. 直接膨胀式太阳能辅助热泵系统中,来自压缩机内的液态制冷剂流过节流阀,进入太阳能收集面板的热管内,从而使得液态的制冷剂过热和汽化.