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时间:2024-08-17 10:24:39


【专家解说】:厕所 [编辑本段]【简介】 定义:泛指由人类建造专供人类(或其他特指生物,如家畜)进行生理排泄和放置(处理)排泄物的地方。 人类使用的厕所大多有男厕女厕之分,随着科技的发展,男女共用的厕所,也问世了。厕所的名称有很多,有的地方叫窖,有的叫茅房,文雅一点的叫洗手间。厕所也有外文名字,有叫WC,有叫men'room的。上厕所也有很多种叫法,古代叫更衣,后来叫解手,现代叫方便,叫如厕,叫出恭,上洗手间。粗俗的叫大便小便,文雅的叫洗手。西方人把上厕所说成是摘花,日本男人在野外方便叫打猎。 据《周礼》记载,我国早在三千多年以前就在路边道旁建有厕所。 在《说文字释》中诠释「厕」字时说,「厕,言人杂在上,非一也……言至秽之处宜常修治,使洁清也。」可见厕所的设置完全是为人所方便,保持环境清洁卫生。 随着社会的发展,厕所的功能也不断的丰富,现在比较高级的厕所都配备了洗漱功能。 [编辑本段]【由来】 厕所古称“涸藩”或称“圊”、“轩”;又因古时农家厕所只用茅草遮蔽,故称为“茅厕”。《晋书·王敦传》云:“石崇以奢系于物,厕上常有十余婢侍列,皆有容色,置甲煎粉沉香汁。有如厕者,皆易新衣而出。”古人管上厕所叫“如厕”,又名“出恭”,从这条史料来看,石崇家里的厕所确实豪华异常。 1903年,慈禧太后以谒见西陵为名,度行新造的芦汉铁路。芦汉督办盛宣怀是个马屁精,特地准备一辆花车,车内床侧有一门,门内有一被称作“如意桶”的马桶。桶底贮黄沙,上注水银,粪落水银中,无迹无味。外施宫饰绒缎,成一绣墩,可谓奢侈之极。 16世纪前后的欧洲似乎还未普遍设厕所,莫里喜剧里描写的巴黎人,便拿起便壶随便往外倒,毫不顾及路上的行人。1596年抽水马桶被英国人哈林顿发明。从此以后,厕所开始逐渐推广。 【 卫生间如何除异味】 家庭卫生间散发出来的异臭味是居室的重要污染源。卫生间里的地漏及便器散发的有异味的气体有硫化氢、氨、甲硫醇、吲哚、甲烷、乙烷等,这些气体不仅有异臭味,有的还有较强的毒性,如硫化氢等。有的家庭为了消除卫生间的异臭味,采取喷洒香水,或挂一个较长时间释放香味的“空气清香贴”。其实,这些方法是不可取的,是用一种气味掩盖另一种气味,没有从跟本上消除异臭污染。而且,香水也好,芳香贴(盒)也好,对一些皮肤过敏者来说是有害的,可以引起过敏性疾病,包括哮喘,皮肤痒等。特别是人工合成的芳香剂,大都是有一定毒性的有机化合物。因此,不应采取喷洒香水的办法掩盖卫生间的异臭味。 下面和大家分享几个卫生间除异味的妙招: 1.只要在卫生间内放置1杯香醋,异味便会消失。香醋的有效期一般为6-7天,也就是说,每隔一周左右要更换一次香醋。 2.清凉油除臭。将一盒清凉油打开盖放在卫生间角落低处,异味即可清除。一盒清凉油可用2个月至3个月。 3.买两只自己喜欢的广口瓶,将干花插入瓶中,摆放在卫生间里,每隔一段时间滴几滴香水即可。如果条件允许的话,摆放鲜花更好。 4.柠檬是最好的除臭剂,将鲜柠檬切成片状,干燥后放入器皿中置于卫生间,可以防霉除异味。注意不要直接将柠檬片放在陶瓷表面,以免印迹不易清除。 5.各种调味料也是不错的除臭剂,大料、辣椒、香叶、桂皮等不仅能够调出上好的美味,也能散发出宜人的馨香。 6.绿色植物和水果是最好的除味剂。如洋梨、香瓜、小南瓜等,将它们放在马桶水箱上,既环保好看,香味又自然。值得注意的是,充当除味剂的瓜果不要洗,需要时可以用干布擦拭,用水洗则容易腐烂变质。 7.经常检查卫生间的通风口是否堵塞,保持其良好的抽风效果。如果自然通风效果不好,安排气扇,每隔2-3小时排气一次,每次15分钟左右。 8.有地漏的卫生间,可在下水道口装上一个地漏防臭器,做到与异味隔绝。或用质地软有弹性不透气的橡胶板遮盖在地漏上。使用地漏排水时拿掉遮板。 9.卫生间保持干净,坚持每天打扫,清除垃圾,不在卫生间搭挂洗过的衣服。更不要把脏的衣物存放在卫生间。 Toilet 【Introduction】 Definition: refers to the construction by the human for the human (or other specific organisms, such as livestock) and placed the physiological excretion (processing) of waste places. Most human beings have used male female toilet on the points, with the advance of technology, men and women shared the toilet and come out of. The name of a lot of toilets in some places called pits, and some called茅房, elegant point is called a toilet. Toilets also have foreign names, it is called WC, have called the men'room. The toilet there are a variety of names, changing the ancient name, was called relieve modern convenience called and told go to the toilet, called出恭, go to the toilet. Urine stool called vulgar, gentle hand washing is called. Westerners to the toilet as defloration, Japan called the convenience of men hunting in the wild. According to "Zhou" records, in our country as early as 3000 years ago on the road built by the roadside toilets. In the "Text release that" in the interpretation of "toilet", said the word "toilet, made by people in the miscellaneous, non-a is also made to ... ... of the abusive Shuji often wish to make clean-money also." Settings can be seen is the toilet being convenient to maintain a hygienic environment. With the development of society, the function of the toilet has been the rich and more advanced now are equipped with toilet wash function. [Edit this paragraph] 【origin】 古称toilet "dry-pan" or "pigsty", "Xuan"; due to ancient farmhouse thatched shelter with toilet only, it referred to as the "latrine." "Wang Jin Shu Chuan" goes: "to extravagant石崇depends on material and toilet facilities are often more than a lackey paternity on out, there are容色, and placing a fry Aquilaria juice powder. There go to the toilet, and are easily out new clothes." There is an old toilet pipes called the "toilet", also known as "出恭" From this historical perspective, the toilet at home石崇luxury indeed abnormal. In 1903, Empress Dowager Cixi in the name of an audience of Xiling, new degrees of Lo Han line railway. Lo Han Sheng Xuanhuai supervision is a马屁精, specially prepared to a float, car bed one side, there is a door called "wishful barrels," the toilet. Sand barrels at the end of storage, the injection of mercury, silver in the fecal water, no trace tasteless. Facilities outside the palace decorated satin velvet, embroidered into a pier, is the most extravagant. Before and after the 16th century in Europe generally do not seem to be based toilets, where the description of Moliqing Parisian comedy, they just pick up the chamber pot back out, without taking into account the pedestrian on the road. Flush toilet in 1596 was the British invention Harrington. From then on, the toilet began to promote. In addition to the bathroom to smell 【】 Distributed by the family bathroom smell different sources is an important room. Floor drain in the bathroom and toilet were circulated smell of hydrogen sulfide gas, ammonia, methyl mercaptan, indole, methane, ethane and so on, these gases not only smell different, and some have strong toxicity, such as such as hydrogen sulfide. Some of the family bathroom in order to eliminate the smell of the differences, take spraying perfume, or a longer period of time linked to the release of a flavor of "fresh air affixed." In fact, these methods is undesirable for a scent to cover up another smell, not to eliminate the pollution异臭. Moreover, the perfume or aromatic paste (box) or a number of allergy skin is harmful, can cause allergic diseases, including asthma, such as皮肤痒. In particular, synthetic fragrances, are a certain toxic organic compounds. Therefore, it should not take spray perfume to cover up the way to the bathroom smell different. To share the following in addition to a few bathroom smell the coup: 1. Placed in the bathroom as long as 1 cup vinegar, smell will disappear. Vinegar is usually valid for 6-7 days, that is to say, about every other week to replace a vinegar. 2. Cool oil deodorant. Oil cooler will be opened to build a box on the lower corner of the bathroom, you can clear the smell. Oil cooler box can be used 2 months to 3 months. 3. To buy their favorite two jars, dried flowers inserted into the bottle will be placed in the bathroom, each time you drop a few drops of perfume. If conditions allow, the better placed flowers. 4. Lemon is the best deodorant to cut sheet of fresh lemon, dry containers placed in placed in the bathroom, you can smell mold in addition to. Careful not to directly to the lemon-chip on the ceramic surface to avoid removal of imprinting is not easy. 5. A variety of seasonings are also good deodorant,大料, pepper, geraniol, cinnamic and so not only out of good taste, but also emitting a pleasant scent. 6. Green plants and fruit is the best deodorant. Such as pear, cantaloupe, small pumpkins, will be on them in the toilet, an environmentally-friendly and good-looking, and natural flavor. It is worth noting that in addition to acting as agent will not wash the fruit, when necessary, wipe with a dry cloth, then washed with perishable metamorphism. 7. Frequently check whether the plug vents bathroom, good ventilation to maintain its effect. If the effect of poor natural ventilation, an exhaust fan, exhaust every 2-3 hours once per 15 minutes. 8. There is the bathroom floor drain can be fitted with a sewer mouth-odor floor drain, and be isolated with the smell. Or texture of soft flexible rubber airtight floor drain in the cover plate on. Use when floor drain drainage cover plate removed. 9. Bathroom kept clean, daily cleaning, garbage collection, toilet not washed clothes hanging up. Not to store the dirty clothes in the bathroom.