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时间:2024-08-17 09:51:57

哪位能帮忙翻译下California的中文歌词?【专家解说】:top off the ride
we could cruise around
在飞机上可以游览世界top off

【专家解说】:top off the ride we could cruise around 在飞机上可以游览世界 top off the ride listen to the sounds till the sun goes down 在飞机上聆听夕阳西下的声音 Starin out my window at you 我凝视窗外的你 Gettin by aint the same without you 没有你的时光与从前大不相同 And I aint the same without you 而我也不像原来那样 Can't even do my thing without you 没有你我无法安然度日 So Long 再见 To the one I Love 我唯一的爱 And I remember how it was 我能记起的好时光 I wish I could be back there cuz 我希望可以回到过去 I wanna be back where I can... 我多想回到那里 Take the top off the ride We can cruise around 在飞机上可以游览世界 Listen to the sound as the sun goes down 在飞机上听夕阳西下的声音 And there's a party goin on every corner 世界的每个角落都在狂欢 Thatz why i gotta be in California 这就是我为什么要去加州 We can take the top off the ride 我们可以找到世界的尽头 And hit the shore 找到沙滩 We can hit sunset 发现日落 We can hit the stores we can hit the stars 找到沙滩 摘取星星 there's a party goin on in every corner 世界的每个角落都在狂欢 that's why i gotta be in california 这就是我为什么要去加州 starin at my window at you 我凝视窗外的你 Gettin by aint the same without you 没有你的时光与从前大不相同 but life aint the same without you 生活也不像原来那样 cuz i know that it'll be too long 日子过得格外漫长 before i see you 在我见到你之前 tears for my eyes cry to 泪水夺眶而出 tears for my eyes cry blue 忧伤的泪水 i love it when the breeze comes 我喜欢清风拂面 through so as soonas i get back im gonna 所以我回来了 take a top off the ridewe can cruise around 在飞机上可以游览世界 listen to the sounds till the sun goes down 在飞机上听夕阳西下的声音 And there's a party goin on every corner 世界的每个角落都在狂欢 Thatz why i gotta be in California 这就是我为什么要去加州 We can take the top off the ride 我们可以找到世界的尽头 And hit the shore 找到沙滩 We can hit sunset 发现日落 We can hit the stores we can hit the stars 找到沙滩 摘取星星 there's a party goin on in every corner 世界的每个角落都在狂欢 that's why i gotta be in california 这就是我为什么要去加州 take a top off the ride we can cruise around 在飞机上可以游览世界 listen to the sounds till the sun goes down 聆听夕阳西下的声音 And there's a party goin on in every corner 世界的每个角落都在狂欢 that's why i gotta be in california 这就是我为什么要去加州 take a top off the ride 到达世界的尽头 And hit the shore 找到沙滩 We can hit sunset 发现日落 There aint no better sunset 不会有比这更美的夕阳 We in the city with the cadillacs the chevolets 我们与卡迪拉克与雪佛兰生活在一个城市 And it be sunny every day 每天都是晴天 It never rains 从不下雨 And we be in 'em Drop Top Wit Hop Hop Hittin 3 wheels lookin for the spots With them mamis in the party pants And cornrows Thatz anywhere from Crenshaw to Melrose We ridin down sunset 我们随着夕阳降落 Long as i got a blunt left 笔直的降落 If you can smell you can tell 如果我能感觉到你也能感觉 I'm from the west 我从西边来 top off the ride we could cruise around 在飞机上可以游览世界 Listen to the sounds till the sun goes down 聆听夕阳西下的声音 party goin on in every corner 世界的每个角落都在狂欢 that's why i gotta be in california 这就是我为什么要去加州 Top of the ride We can cruise around 在飞机上可以游览世界 look here something? 看到这里的一切了吗? And there's a party goin on in every corner 世界的每个角落都在狂欢 that's why i gotta be in california 这就是我为什么要去加州 top off the ride we could cruise around 在飞机上可以游览世界 Listen to the sound as the sun goes down 聆听夕阳西下的声音 And there's a party goin on every corner 世界的每个角落都在狂欢 Thatz why i gotta be in California 这就是我为什么要去加州 top off the ride 在飞机上 We can cruise around 我们冷眼 look here something........ 看这里的一切
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