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时间:2024-08-17 10:22:13

请求大家帮忙翻译几段英语(英译中、汽车英语),谢谢...有高悬赏分【专家解说】:完成了完成了完成了完成了完成了完成了完成了完成了 !!! 1. Therefore,an autom

【专家解说】:完成了完成了完成了完成了完成了完成了完成了完成了 !!! 1. Therefore,an automotive engine is an internal combustion engine,which burns fuel within thecylinders and converts the expanding force of the combustion into rotary force used to drive the automobile. 因此,汽车的发动机是一台将汽缸内燃油燃烧所产生的膨胀压力转化为旋转动力用以驱动汽车的内燃机。 2. They can significantly improve fuel economy without sacrificing performance or driving range,and may also increase power and provide additional auxiliary power for electronic devices and power tools. 他们能在不牺牲性能及操纵范围(能力)的的情况下显著提升燃油经济性,也可以提高功率并给电力装置和动力工具提供附加的辅助动力。 3. These springs have to be very strong bacause at high engine speeds,the valves are pushed down very quickly,and it is the springs that keep the valves in contact with the rocker arms. 这些弹簧要非常坚固,因为发动机在高转速时气门被推下的非常快,弹簧要保持气门与摇臂的接触。 4. The ignition switch allows the driver to start and stop ignition by opening and closing the circuit between the electrical engry source and the other ignition components. 驾驶员可通过开关电动源和点火元件之间的电路来开始启动和熄火。 5. The clutch allows engine power to be applied gradually when a vehicle is starting out ,and interrups power to avoid gear crunching when shifting. 离合器可使车辆启动后发动机的动力被逐渐的加载,并可通过切断动力防止换挡时齿轮被咬碎。 6. A hydraulic cluth (???)linkage typically includes a cluth master cylinder and reservoir, a hydraulic line and a slave cylinder. 典型的液压联轴节联接主要包括一个主油缸和一个储液室,一个液压油路和一个辅助油缸。 7. Disk brakes,used for years for front wheel application,are fast replacing drum brake on the rear wheels of modern cars. 在汽车前轮上应用多年的盘式制动器正快速的取代鼓式制动器应用于更新式的汽车上。 8. The most familiar combinationis the reciprocating,spark-ignited,gasoline engine,shown in Fig.1-1a. The modern automobile is usually driven by a water-cooled,piston-type internal combustion engine,mounted in the front of the automobile ; its power may be transmitted either to the front wheels, to the rear wheels,or to all four wheels. 图1-1a.显示了最常见的往复式火花塞点火结合的汽油机,新式的汽车通常通过安装在汽车前端的水冷 活塞式内燃机驱动,它的动力可以传送到前轮、后轮或者全部的四个车轮。 9. The electronic motor is used to assist the engine when accelerating or hill climbing and in low-speed driving conditions where internal combustion engines are least efficient.Some HEVs also automatically shut off the engine when the vehicle comes to a stop and restart it when the accelerator is pressed.This prevents wasted energy from idling.Unlike all-electric vehicles,HEVs now being offered do not need to be plugged into an external source of electricity to be recharged; conventional gasoline and regenerative braking provide all the energy the vehicle needs. 当加速或爬坡以及在内燃机效率最低的低速行驶时电动机用来作为发动机的辅助,一些混合动力动力电动汽车会在车辆停下时自动停止发动机运转,在给油门时重新启动,这样防止了发动机空转造成的能源浪费。与全电动的车辆不同,现在要求混合动力电动汽车不必通过外部电力来进行充电,常规的汽油和可回收制动能量用来提供车辆所需的动力。 10. In an electric ignition system,the points are replaced with a control module and the lobes on the cam are repalced with a trigger device .The trigger device uses a magnetic force field to induce a small “trigger” voltage in the control module to turn off the current to the oil. As it passes,the module turns the current back on..It is extremely accurate in when it does this.Another advantage of an electronic ignition system can produce voltage,up to twice the voltage a conventional system can produce. 在电子点火系统中,触点已经被一个控制模块取代,凸轮的凸缘被一个触发装置取代。触发装置使用磁场来在控制模块中感应一个小的触发电压来停止供油,触发电压结束控制模块恢复当前供油。这样的控制极其精确。电子点火系统的另一个优点是它可以产生两倍于常规点火系统所能产生的电压。