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谁有run into the sun 这首歌翻译

时间:2024-08-17 11:04:47

谁有run into the sun 这首歌翻译【专家解说】:Run Into The Sun 奔向太阳We will run run run into the sun

【专家解说】:Run Into The Sun 奔向太阳 We will run run run into the sun 我们将要奔向太阳 We run run run into the sun 奔向太阳 And everybody calls my name 大家都呼唤我的名字 Do run run run baby 奔跑吧 Do run run run baby 奔跑吧 Do run run run again (重复) Do run run run baby (重复) Do run run run (重复-- We will never fail the same 我们不会再犯同样的错误 One moon night and a tired day 今晚有一轮明月,今天是疲倦的一天 I keep on waiting just for you 我继续等待着你 We gonna make a try 一起来尝试一下吧 All my dreams will come true 那样的话我们的梦想就会成真 We will run run run into the sun 我们会奔向太阳 I'm happy when the music is on 当听到音乐的时候我感到很愉悦 We run run run into the sun 我们会奔向太阳 And everybody calls my name 所有的人都会呼唤我们的名字 We will run run run into the sun 我们会奔向太阳 So happy when my trouble has gone 此时所有的烦恼都会消失无踪 Run run run run into the sun And everybody calls my name (重复) Do run run run baby Do run run run baby Do run run run again Do run run run baby Do run run run (重复) When you help me just caper the run 如果你想要帮我的话那么就为我的奔跑而雀跃吧 No one knows when we meet again 谁也不知道我们将在何时重逢 But it is a chance for you and me 但这是你我的一个机遇 We gonna make a try 我们应该去尝试 All my dreams will come true 那样的话我们的梦想就会成真 We will run run run into the sun I'm happy when the music is on We run run run into the sun And everybody calls my name (重复) We will run run run into the sun So happy when my trouble is gone Run run run run into the sun And everybody calls my name One moon night and tired day I keep on waiting just for you We will run run run into the sun I'm happy when the music is on run run run into the sun And everybody calls my name We will run run run into the sun So happy when my trouble is gone Run run run run into the sun And everybody calls my name We will run run run into the sun (重复)
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