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英语短文的阅读理解答案!急! Last week,l69Junior 1 students at No. 35 Middle School of...

时间:2024-08-17 11:04:44

英语短文的阅读理解答案!急! Last week,l69Junior 1 students at No. 35 Middle School of...【专家解说】:本文翻译:

【专家解说】:本文翻译: 上周,沈阳中学169个初一的学生参加了他们的第一个“无人监考考试”。老师发了考试试卷后就立刻离开了教室,而且再也不会回来。 当他们考完后,由一个学生收上了所有的试卷。校长蔡文国说:“这个考试不仅是知识上的考试,更是道德上的考试,我们想告诉学生诚实的重要性。”值得高兴的是,这次考试没有任何作弊的现象。明年,该学校希望本校80%的考试都成为“无人监考”考试,但是学生们有不同的意见。一个来自11班的13岁女生于丹说:“这次考试让我很高兴因为我感觉老师们很信任我。”华:沙说“学校应该相信学生,但是无人监考考试这个计划实施得太早了。如果没有监考人的话,学生很有可能作弊。而且如果没有老师,学生在考场上有问题也不能问老师了。”刘清熙说:“我不喜欢在我考试的时候有个监考人,他们在我答题的时候走来走去弄得我紧张死了。如果没有监考人在考场,我说不定会得到更高的分数,因为那样我更轻松。”上官媛说:“我觉得考场里有个监考人还是有必要的。很多学生在答完题后都想对答案。而且当有突发事件发生的时候,监考人可以维持考场秩序。虽然监考人让我紧张,但我想我还是需要他们的。” “无人监考考试”是一个好主意。但是在实施之前,学校需要告诉学生们诚实的重要性,然后试着去找到一些方法去解决无人监考考场的突发事件。 ( D )6. The passage mainly (主要地)talks about ______. A. how to pass an exam B. how to make students honest C. whether there is cheating in exams D. whether invigilators are needed in exams (B )7. No. 35 Middle School of Shenyang held a no-teacher exam to _______. A. let the students have a good rest B. teach the students in a better way C. help all the students pass the exam D. find whether the students were honest ( D )8. From what the students have said, we know ________. A. invigilators really help them a lot B. all of them think it is a good idea C. something unusual never happens in exams D. not all of them agree with the head\\ (A )9. What does Hua Sha think about no-teacher exams? A. It’s a good idea to have no -teacher exams but something must be done first. B. If there are no invigilators, the students will certainly get lower marks. C. Exams without invigilators will never be held since students are not honest. D. She thinks it’s the best way to show that schools trust their students a lot. ( C )10. In the sentence “And they can also keep the classroom in order when something unusual happens”“they”refers to (指)_________. A. students B. headmasters C. invigilators D. schools 希望对你有帮助