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云图的剧情介绍 六个故事都要介绍不要太短太简单 要全英文最好加上中文翻译!

时间:2024-08-17 08:59:07

云图的剧情介绍 六个故事都要介绍不要太短太简单 要全英文最好加上中文翻译!【专家解说】:Cloud Atlas consists of six interrelated and i

【专家解说】:Cloud Atlas consists of six interrelated and interwoven stories spanning different time periods. The film is structured, according to novelist David Mitchell, "as a sort of pointillist mosaic." 云图由不同时空的六个故事组成,像大卫所说,它像一幅马赛克拼贴画。 I【South Pacific Ocean, 1849】 Adam Ewing, an American lawyer from San Francisco, has come to theChatham Islands to conclude a business arrangement with Reverend Gilles Horrox for his father-in-law, Haskell Moore. He witnesses the whipping of a Moriori slave, Autua, who later stows away on the ship. He confronts Ewing and convinces him to advocate for Autua to join the crew as a freeman. Meanwhile, Dr. Henry Goose slowly poisons Ewing, claiming it to be the cure for a parasitic worm, aiming to steal Ewing's valuables. When Goose attempts to administer the fatal dose, Autua saves Ewing. Returning to the United States, Ewing and his wife Tilda denounce her father's complicity in slavery and leave San Francisco to join the Abolition movement.[18][19] 【南太平洋,1849】 亚当·尤因,从旧金山来的美国律师,已经到了theChatham群岛签订业务l为他岳父Horrox 与牧师Gilles,Haskel。他目击了一个莫里奥里人鞭打奴隶,Autua,后来藏在船上了。他遇到尤因,说服他提倡Autua加入船员作为一个自由人。与此同时,亨利古斯博士慢慢给尤因下毒,声称它是治疗一种寄生虫的药物,旨在窃取尤因的贵重物品。当古斯试图给他下致命剂量,Autua救了尤因。回到美国,尤因和他的妻子蒂尔达谴责她父亲的共谋奴隶制,并离开旧金山加入废奴运动。 【Cambridge, England and Edinburgh, Scotland, 1936】 Robert Frobisher, a bisexual English musician, finds work as an amanuensis to aging composer Vyvyan Ayrs, allowing Frobisher the time and inspiration to compose his own masterpiece, "The Cloud AtlasSextet." While working for Ayrs, Frobisher begins reading the published chronicle of Adam Ewing's journal which he has found among the many books at Ayrs's mansion. He never finishes reading the journal and notes in a letter that "A half-finished book is, after all, a half finished love affair." When "The Cloud Atlas Sextet" is revealed to Ayrs, he wishes to take credit for Frobisher's work, claiming it is the result of their collaboration and threatens to expose his scandalous background if he resists. Frobisher shoots and wounds Ayrs and flees to a hotel. Perhaps spurred by his inability to complete Ewing's book, he finishes "The Cloud AtlasSextet", then commits suicide, just before his lover Rufus Sixsmith arrives. 【英国剑桥大学和爱丁堡,苏格兰,1936年】 罗伯特·弗罗比舍,一个双性恋英语音乐家,找到一份为年老的作曲家维维安·阿耶斯做抄写员的工作,给了弗罗比舍作曲的时间和灵感来创作出属于他自己的杰作,“云图六重奏“。“在为阿耶斯工作时,弗罗比舍开始阅读在阿耶斯宅邸众多书中的一本亚当•尤因的日记。他从未读完日记和笔记在一封信中“一本未完的书归根结底是一份未完的爱情”。“当《云图》六重奏”被完成,阿耶斯想让他保证声称它是出自他们的协作,如果他拒绝,就威胁要揭露他的丑闻的背景。弗弗洛比舍尔误伤了阿耶斯后逃遁,并在一家小旅馆中完成了《云图六重奏》的创作。在完成自己的绝世之作之后,就在他的情人鲁弗斯·斯密斯到来之前,弗洛比舍尔吞枪自尽。 【San Francisco, USA, 1973】 Journalist Luisa Rey meets an older Sixsmith, now a nuclear physicist. Sixsmith tips off Rey to a conspiracy regarding the safety of a new nuclear reactor run by Lloyd Hooks, but is assassinated by Hooks' hitman Bill Smoke before he can give her a report that proves it. Rey finds and reads Frobisher's letters to Sixsmith, resulting in her tracking down a vinyl recording of Frobisher's "The Cloud Atlas Sextet." Isaac Sachs, another scientist at the power plant, passes her a copy of Sixsmith's report. However, Smoke kills Sachs by blowing up the plane in which he is flying, and later also runs Rey's car off a bridge, but she is able to escape. With help from the plant's head of security, Joe Napier, who knew her father, she evades another attempt against her life which results in Smoke's death and exposes the plot to use a nuclear accident for the benefit of oil companies. 【旧金山,美国,1973年】 路易莎‧雷是一个采访一个新核电站的记者。她在核电站公司的电梯中邂逅老年的物理学家斯克斯史密斯。斯克斯史密斯看到路易莎有一个和弗洛比舍尔写类似的胎记,想把关于核电站安全隐患内幕的资料给她,但在家中被杀手杀死。路易莎虽然没有拿到资料,但拿到了当年弗洛比舍尔写给斯克斯史密斯的信件,并找到了《云图六重奏》唱片。之后路易莎再次采访核电站老板,并遇到了核电站公司的另外一个工程师伊萨克‧萨赫斯。萨赫斯对路易莎一见钟情,但在给路易莎核能发电内幕的相关资料之后也被谋杀于飞机的意外爆炸。路易莎也被杀手追杀,但在其父亲的战友帮助下死里逃生。杀手因为出言侮辱一个墨西哥裔妇女并杀死了她的狗,而被该女子杀死。在最后路易莎从斯克斯史密斯的侄女手中拿到资料,揭露真相。 【United Kingdom, 2012】 65-year-old publisher Timothy Cavendish reaps a windfall when Dermot Hoggins, the chav author of Knuckle Sandwich, publicly murders a critic who gave the novel a harsh review. When Hoggins's brothers threaten Cavendish's life to get his share of the profits, Cavendish asks for help from his wealthy brother Denholme. Avenging an old affair with his wife, Denholme tricks Timothy into hiding in a nursing home, where he is held against his will and abused by the head nurse, Noakes. While there, Cavendish reads a manuscript of a novel based on Luisa Rey's story. Plotting with three other residents, Cavendish escapes and goes on to write a screenplay of his story. 【英国,2012】 蒂姆斯‧卡文迪许是一个65岁的出版商。他读到了一个关于路易莎‧雷揭露关于核电站阴谋的悬疑小说。他旗下的一个黑帮作家在一次聚会上将一个苛刻的书评人从屋顶扔了下去,由此被关到监狱。此事导致该作家的书畅销,蒂姆斯大发横财。之后黑帮作家的爪牙向蒂姆斯勒索,蒂姆斯向其兄长借钱,不料却被其兄长骗到一家像监狱一样的养老院无法脱身。养老院的护士诺亚克丝等人对入住老人严密监视,但蒂姆斯最终和几个志同道合的老人逃出养老院,并把自己的经历写成剧本。 【Neo Seoul, (Korea), 2144】 Sonmi~451 is a genetically-engineered fabricant, a human clone and slave worker living a compliant life of servitude as a server at a futuristic fast food restaurant. She recounts her memories before an interviewer, anarchivist whose purpose is to document her thoughts and story for the future. Sonmi begins by recounting a day in the life of a fabricant like herself. She tells how she was exposed to ideas of rebellion and liberation (based on Cavendish's adventures), and how she was rescued from captivity by Commander Hae-Joo Chang, a member of a rebel movement known as "Union". He smuggles her to a residence in Neo Seoul where he exposes Sonmi to the larger world, including the writings of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and a film version of Timothy Cavendish's "ghastly ordeal". They are found and Sonmi is captured. Hae-Joo rescues her, introduces her to the leader of the rebel movement, then shows her that fabricants are not freed at the end of their contract as she believed, but are killed and "recycled" into food for other clones. She decides that the system of society based on slavery and exploitation is intolerable, and makes a public broadcast of her story and manifesto. Hae-Joo is killed in a firefight and Sonmi is captured again. After telling her story to the archivist, she is executed. 【韩国新首尔,22世纪】 在公司化的集权统治下,星美451是一个人工克隆的“人造人”,被像奴隶一样驱使在快餐馆工作。她们戴着项圈,随时可以被监控者用遥控器处死。她的同伴幼娜939偷到了一个小视频播放器,二人在晚上溜到储藏室,一起看由演员扮演的蒂姆斯‧卡文迪许经历的电影,并记住了其中演员所说的台词“我决不会向暴力犯罪屈服”。之后幼娜939因为反抗顾客的凌辱而在试图逃脱餐馆时被处决。星美451被地下抵抗组织的张海柱多次营救,并和张海柱互生情愫。抵抗组织医生奥维德帮星美451去掉了项圈。星美451得知自己的同类会在失去工作能力之后被杀死,制造成给人造人的食物,因此决心和抵抗组织合作,发表宣言鼓励反抗。张海柱和其他抵抗组织成员在一次战斗中阵亡,星美451也被俘。星美451在向档案人员讲出她的故事后被处决。 【The Big Island, 2321】 (This section is dated "106 winters after The Fall" in the end credits and book cited as 2321.) Zachry lives in a primitive society called "The Valley" after most of humanity has died during "The Fall," a largely-unexplained apocalyptic event. The Valley tribesmen speak a degenerated form of English, and worship a goddess called Sonmi (Sonmi~451), their sacred text taken from the broadcast of her manifesto. Zachry is plagued by hallucinations of a demonic figure called "Old Georgie" who manipulates him into giving in to his fears. One day, Zachry, Adam (Zachry's brother-in-law) and Zachry's nephew are attacked by the cannibalistic Kona tribe. He runs into hiding and watches as his companions are murdered. His village is visited by Meronym, a member of the "Prescients", an advanced society still using the last remnants of technology. Her mission is to find a remote communication station called Mauna Sol and send a message to Earth's colonies. Catkin, Zachry's niece, falls sick, and in exchange for saving her Zachry agrees to guide Meronym into the mountains to find the Atlas. At the station, Meronym reveals that Sonmi was not a deity as the Valley tribe believes, but a normal human who died long ago. After returning, Zachry finds his tribe dead, slaughtered by the Kona. He kills the Kona chief, rescues Catkin, and Meronym saves them both from an assault by Kona tribesmen. Zachry and Catkin join Meronym and the Prescients as their ship leaves Big Island. Prologue / Epilogue A seventh time period, several decades after the events on Big Island, is featured in the film's prologue and epilogue: Zachry is revealed to have been telling these stories to his grandchildren on a beach in the outskirts of a city on the colony of Earth on another planet. The epilogue also confirming that Meronym, who is also present at the site and now, apparently, his wife, succeeded in sending the message to the colonies and was rescued along with him. 【遥远的未来,夏威夷岛上】 人类经历浩劫之后只有少数存活,掌握高科技的更是极少数。扎克里是这个岛上的一个土著,和他妹妹露丝等人过着原始的生活。在目睹妹夫和侄儿被食人族杀害时,扎克里受到“老佐治”魅影──族人对恶魔的想像──的蛊惑,向自己的恐惧屈服,没有出手相救,从此被“老佐治”缠身。一天,一个掌握高科技的先见族人梅洛尼姆来到岛上,她需要一个向导登上山顶,寻找名叫云图的天文台。在她救助了扎克里的外甥女之后,扎克里同意带她上山。途中扎克里多次受到“老佐治”的困扰,威胁他不要帮助梅洛尼姆,不然会招到“老佐治”报复。在山顶的一个废弃的天文台里,梅洛尼姆告诉扎克里他们部落崇拜的女神星美其实是个人,并给他看当年星美451所发表的鼓励大家起来反抗的视频录像。梅洛尼姆在天文台向已经殖民其他星球的人类发出了信息。扎克里回到村里,发现村子已经被食人族部落洗劫,露丝等人均被杀死,只有扎克里的外甥女幸存。出于愤恨,扎克里刺杀了食人族的首领。在和食人族的搏斗中梅洛尼姆伸出援手,营救扎克里。扎克里也摆脱了“老佐治”的困扰。后来他们一同离开地球在外星幸福地生活。 请采纳,非常详尽,祝好! 【来自英语牛人团】