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时间:2024-08-18 17:47:57

秸秆固化成型燃料引火助燃剂的点火和烟气排放特性(英文)【摘要】:Ignition-assisting agents for densified corn stover brique

【摘要】:Ignition-assisting agents for densified corn stover briquette fuel(DCBF) were developed,and their ignition and emission characteristics were investigated using type LLA-6 household cooking stove.Three waste liquid fuels,waste engine oil(E) ,diesel oil(D) ,and industrial alcohol(A) ,were used as raw materials to make 25 ignitionassisting agents by mixing at different ratios.Their ignition performance was evaluated in terms of ignition time and cost.It was found that ignition-assisting agents ED15(a mix of E and D at volume ratio of 1︰5) and DA51(a mix of D and A at volume ratio of 5︰1) presented better ignition results with shorter ignition time(40-53 s) and lower cost(6.1 and 5.3 cents) at the dosages of 9 ml and 8 ml,respectively.The emission of O2,CO,CO2,NOx,and SO2,the temperature in fume gas,and combustion efficiency were investigated for ED15 and DA51.The results show that the emission of ED15 with the dosage of 9 ml is lower than that of DA51 with the dosage of 8 ml in the ignition process.ED15 at the dosage of 9 ml achieves satisfactory combustion efficiency and emits less pollutant,so it is recommended for practical application.The study will provide a cost-effective and environmentally friendly approach to fast ignite DCBF and break the barrier to the practical application of DCBF. 【作者单位】: Centre
【关键词】ignition-assisting agent densified corn stover briquette fuel fume gas emission
【正文快照】: 1 INTRODUCTION China is one of the largest agricultural countries in the world.Approximate 700 million tons of various crop stalks are generated annually[1].There are a few ways to use the crop residues,such as animal feed, direct combustion,gasification


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