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时间:2024-08-18 15:09:51

青藏高原多年冻土区植被NPP变化及其与气候变暖之间的关系(英文)【摘要】:Permafrost degradation triggered by a warming climate

【摘要】:Permafrost degradation triggered by a warming climate induces significant changes in soil conditions, and further contributes to apparent impacts on vegetation. However, much less is known regarding the difference in net primary productivity(NPP) and the relationships between NPP and warming temperature among different vegetation types and various types of permafrost zone on the Tibetan Plateau. Consequently, remotely sensed land surface temperature(LST) and NPP from the MODIS platform were used to investigate the response of vegetation NPP to warming climate, and the correlations were scaled up for the study region. Our results indicated a notable increase of NPP from west to east, and significantly increased annual NPP along with the increased LST from 2000 to 2010 in the permafrost zone of the Tibetan Plateau. Meanwhile, the increased NPP for various vegetation types and in different types of permafrost zone with relation to warming temperature was revealed. NPP in the continuous permafrost zone had the greatest sensitivity to the changing LST, and forest NPP presented the most obvious response. Positive correlations between NPP and LST at various scales indicated the enhanced effects of warming LST on vegetation carbon sequestration in the permafrost zone of the Tibetan Plateau. In view of the notable response of NPP to warming temperature on this plateau, remote sensing needs to be further employed to reveal the status of permafrost degradation and its related effects on vegetation. 【作者单位】: Key
【关键词】permafrost net primary productivity(NPP) land surface temperature(LST) remote sensing the Tibetan Plateau
【基金】:The Key Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences,No.KZZD-EW-08-02 The CAS/SAFEA International Partnership Program for Creative Research Teams The Research Fund from NEGAE,CAS,No.Y2H1071001 The National Natural Science Foundation of China,No.41371403
【正文快照】: 1 IntroductionIn the middle-high latitude of the Northern Hemisphere,degradation of permafrost triggeredby climate warming has significantly impacted terrestrial ecosystems(Groisman and Soja,2007;Yang et al.,2010;Bockheim et al.,2013).Changes in environm


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