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时间:2024-08-19 04:48:50

保护生态原貌的低碳节能设计——以蒙山县古榕公园为例(英文)【摘要】:It was proposed that park planning should be based on lo

【摘要】:It was proposed that park planning should be based on local economic development,should focus on the preservation of primitive ecological conditions and the application of low-carbon and energy-saving concepts.The planning of Ancient Banyan Park in Mengshan County by following the principles of respecting local history and culture,improving functions and supporting facilities,human-centered,overall planning and all-around consideration,respecting characteristics of the local area(the planning site),satisfying operation requirements of the park,applying low-carbon and energy-saving concepts,and avoiding over-engineering,aimed at protecting natural images of the park,primitive history,culture and characteristics of the local area and providing a space for local residents' various activities.Modern aesthetic forms were combined,cultural connotation of natural environment stressed to build a landscape space system of the Ancient Banyan Park that matches well with environment of the planning site.The park was designed into 4 functional areas:sport area,fitness plaza area,garden recreational area and ancient banyan cultural area.Different functions of these subareas were taken into consideration to create conservation-minded garden landscapes which were both independent and unified. 【作者单位】: 广西大学;
【关键词】Garden planning Original ecological conditions Low-carbon Energy-saving
【基金】:Supported by Scientific Research Program of Guangxi Provincial Department of Education(201010LX014)~~
【正文快照】: Mengshan County is located in the east of Guangxi ZhuangAutonomous Region with geographical coordinates of110°19′-110°45′E,23°52′-24°23′N,460km away from Nanning,hasZhaoping in its east,Jinxiu in its west,Pingnan in its south andLipu in its north


保护生态原貌的低碳节能设计——以蒙山县古榕公园为例(英文)    叶明琴;

浅析工业厂房的暖通空调节能设计    宋瑞祥;

新型空调系统的节能设计探析    王志娟;

浅谈实现建筑电气节能的多种措施    张旭新;

浅谈地下建筑的节能设计与降耗新技术的应用    朱妮娜;

夏热冬冷地区居住建筑节能设计    张元;

谈现代建筑的设计理念及节能发展趋势    柴瑞琳;李华磊;

论节能设计在建筑结构设计中的运用    肖曼;汪丽娟;

浅谈建筑电气节能设计的问题及对策    林瑞满;

浅谈建筑节能设计及措施    谢晓菲;张晓燕;

从节能设计IFC数据生成IDF数据的机制及关键算法    马智亮;曾统华;魏振华;冯妍;

带不采暖地下室的住宅建筑节能设计探讨    王传芝;戎卫国;

某红外相机装调实验楼除湿方案节能设计分析    徐选才;马达;邹瑜;

夏热冬冷地区居住建筑节能设计软件的开发及其应用    赵志安;邱相武;

屏障系统动物设施节能设计的研究    张永斌;邹移海;陈苑;陈嘉;

暖通空调系统节能设计措施探讨    于晓明;任照峰;

建筑围护结构的节能设计及动态模拟的应用    杨文斐;孙志田;

冷库的节能设计    戴美芹;

制冷机房节能设计    耿霞;庞明;

建筑节能技术发展综述    张彤;李艳敏;

昆明市新开工建筑须达到节能设计标准    张芳

《公共建筑节能设计标准》即将出台    中国楼市记者 慈冰

重庆95%新建筑未进行节能设计    程正军

人居委将组织建筑师赴日本考察节能设计    记者 李佳

节能降耗大势所趋    记者 冯海波

“支招”门窗幕墙玻璃节能设计    冯雅 杨红

建筑门窗节能设计标准    建良

澳洲大学之环保、节能设计有感    李志祺 王倩 安建立

节能要求抬高“门槛”    本报记者 谈健


居住建筑节能设计计算与评价方法研究    任俊

基于全寿命周期费用的节能住宅投资决策研究    王恩茂

夏热冬冷地区住宅节能优化设计    王焱

住宅建筑保障室内(热)环境质量的低能耗策略研究    喻伟

新建居住建筑节能管理制度研究    姜波

既有公共建筑节能激励政策研究    丰艳萍

节能建筑模块化体系设计与评价及仿真优化方法研究    黄茜

西安地区办公建筑节能设计研究    罗旭堃

面向建筑设计过程的能耗模拟分析——采暖地区居住建筑节能设计程序的开发    张承

建筑玻璃幕墙的节能设计研究    李雪平

宝鸡地区乡村住宅节能设计与技术研究    段晓锋

大型公共建筑空调系统的节能设计与优化管理    谷丽静

中庭的热环境与节能研究    陈钰

寒冷地区建筑围护体系节能设计研究    王慧

寒冷地区居住建筑的节能设计    赵冉

寒冷地区小城镇住宅节能设计研究    王朝红

鄂东北地区农村住宅节能设计研究    杨令
