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时间:2024-08-19 04:45:28

苏北农村拆迁安置小区规划建筑设计的节能策略研究(英文)【摘要】:By investigating present relocation residential districts

【摘要】:By investigating present relocation residential districts for peasants whose houses are removed for the unified planning of rural areas in north Jiangsu Province, as well as residents' feelings about the environment of residential district, main architectural structures and energy consumption conditions, the indoor thermal environment, use of main heating and cooling facilities, residents' satisfaction on the acoustical and luminous environment, major space-enclosing structures and calculation of energy-saving designs are analyzed, and suggestions are given for the architectural design of relocation residential districts in the study area. It is stressed that the relationship between energy conservation and architectural layout, orientation, lighting, ventilation, selection of enclosing-structure materials, facade, color and style should be properly handled in the planning, and the focus is to control building orientation and shape coefficient, on the basis of which energy-saving designs of windows, exterior walls and roofs can be done. Energy consumption of present residential buildings is calculated and analyzed to bring forth new ideas to the energy-saving designs for relocation residential districts in north Jiangsu Province, and establish an architectural energy-saving system suitable for climatic and natural conditions of north Jiangsu to instruct the energy-saving designs of relocation residential districts in the study area. 【作者单位】: 盐城工学院土木学院;南昌大学科技学院;
【关键词】North Jiangsu Province Relocation residential district Energy-saving buildings Strategies
【基金】:Supported by Talent-Introduction Scientific Research Program of Yancheng Institute of Technology(XKR2011078)~~
【正文快照】: Urbanization is the fruit of economic and social develop-ment,and also the inexorable trend of historical development.As the urbanization goes further in China,removal of rural housesbecomes an unavoidable social problem,and governmentalways solves such


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