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时间:2024-08-19 04:43:35

无限云网络可靠性建设:一种新的健壮且节能的网络拓扑控制方法(英文)【摘要】:The future Wireless Cloud Networks (WCNs) are requir

【摘要】:The future Wireless Cloud Networks (WCNs) are required to satisfy both extremely high levels of service resilience and security assurance (i.e., Blue criteria) by overproviding backup network resources and cryptographic protection on wireless communication respectively, as well as minimizing energy consumption (i.e., Green criteria) by switching off unnecessary resources as much as possible. There is a contradiction to satisfy both Blue and Green design criteria simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a new BlueGreen topological control scheme to leverage the wireless link connectivity for WCNs using an adaptive encryption key allocation mechanism, named as Shared Backup Path Keys (SBPK). The BlueGreen SBPK can take into account the network dependable requirements such as service resilience, security assurance and energy efficiency as a whole, so as trading off between them to find an optimal solution. Actually, this challenging problem can be modeled as a global optimization problem, where the network working and backup elements such as nodes, links, encryption keys and their energy consumption are considered as a resource, and their utilization should be minimized. The case studies confirm that there is a trade-off optimal solution between the capacity efficiency and energy efficiency to achieve the dependable WCNs. 【作者单位】: school
【关键词】wireless cloud networking;service resilience;security assurance;energy efficiecy;BlueGreen;shared backup path keys
【正文快照】: I. INTRODUCTION After 20 years of development on grid computing, since this term was introduced by Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman in the early 1990s [1],the grid computing has many varieties such as computing grid,data grid,service grid,and recent the clo


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