- Abstract3-4
- 摘要4-10
- 1. Introduction10-39
- 1.1. Context10-11
- 1.2. PV/T concepts and technology11-19
- 1.2.1. What is a PV/T system and why has it been designed?11-12
- 1.2.2. PV/T design concepts12-16
- 1.2.3. Applications16-19
- 1.3. State-of-the-art of PV/T technology19-37
- 1.3.1. History and statistics19-20
- 1.3.2. Purpose of the research20-21
- 1.3.3. Theoretical and numerical research21
- 1.3.4. Computational simulations21-22
- 1.3.5. Experimental work22-29
- 1.3.6. Economic studies29-34
- 1.3.7. Main conclusions34-36
- 1.3.8. Commercial development36
- 1.3.9. Further R&D aspects for PV/T systems36-37
- 1.4. Purpose of the present thesis37-39
- 2. Technical performance evaluation39-56
- 2.1. Description of the experimental rig and measurement system39-45
- 2.1.1. Description of the experimental rig39-40
- 2.1.2. Description of the data acquisition system40
- 2.1.3. Restoration work40-43
- 2.1.4. Modifications for freeze prevention43-45
- 2.2. Experimental conditions45-46
- 2.3. Issues encountered46-47
- 2.4. Experimental results and discussion47-55
- 2.4.1. Climatic conditions of Beijing47-48
- 2.4.2. Thermal performances48-49
- 2.4.3. Electrical performances49-52
- 2.4.4. Energy production for domestic hot water production52-55
- 2.5. Main conclusions55-56
- 3. Economic evaluation56-67
- 3.1. Method and formulas56-57
- 3.1.1. Present worth56
- 3.1.2. Equal-payment-series present worth factor56-57
- 3.1.3. Equivalence under inflation57
- 3.2. Economic evaluation of the system57-66
- 3.2.1. Reference case assumptions57-58
- 3.2.2. Estimation of the present costs of the system58-59
- 3.2.3. Estimation of the annual savings59-60
- 3.2.4. Calculation of the cost payback time and discussion60-61
- 3.2.5. Discussion and comparison with previous economic studies61-66
- 3.5. Main conclusions66-67
- 4. Sensitivity analysis67-74
- 4.1. Influence of the present costs67-70
- 4.1.1. Influence of the replacement costs67-68
- 4.1.2. Influence of government financial incentives68
- 4.1.3. Sensitivity to the PV module costs68-69
- 4.1.4. Sensitivity to the frequency of components replacements69-70
- 4.2. Influence of the annual savings70-72
- 4.2.1. Sensitivity to the energy prices70-71
- 4.2.2. Sensitivity to the PV cells efficiency71-72
- 4.3. Combination of parameters72
- 4.4. Main conclusions and suggestions72-74
- 5. Conclusions and recommendations74-76
- 5.1. Conclusions74
- 5.2. Recommendations for a future work74-76
- References76-81
- Acknowledgments81-82
- 个人简历、在学期间发表的学术论文与研究成果82-83
- Appendix A: Calculation of the pumping power required to circulate the fluid through the system:83-85
- Appendix B: Uncertainties in the experimental measurements85-87
- Appendix C: Calculation of the batteries capacity87
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