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时间:2024-08-18 19:00:37


【摘要】:正~~ 【关键词】Mines;Transformation;软岩巷道;机电设备;支护技术研究;瓦斯抽采;Nuclear;矿井通风安全;薄煤层综采;技术探究;
【正文快照】: 本刊特稿太原万柏林区采煤沉陷区整治工程的考察建议!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!郑友三,董小恺,鞠克光,杨忠明1-1运城市农村环境综合整治成套技术研究!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!薛晓光,薛鹏,王学师,张秀丽,段淑珍2-1山西省煤矿电气技术现状及趋势!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Characteristics of rockburst and its mining technology in mines    吴爱祥,孙业志,Gour Sen,沈慧明,杨保华

A Fuzzy Model for evaluating the Mining Condition of Underground Coal Mines    

Overview of Anti-tank Mines    Manfred Held;

Approaches to location prognosis of concealed ore deposits (bodies) of productive mines    彭省临 ,杨牧 ,刘亮明 ,赖健清 ,王核 ,杨群周 ,邵拥军

Optimizing conditions for bacterial leaching of copper from discarded mines    

Cleaning of Chromate Manufacture Process    

Optimization model of truck flow at open-pit mines and standards for feasibility test    

Cut slope reinforcement technique in open-pit mines    

Characteristics of tailings from metal mines in Hunan Province, China    刘云国,张慧智,曾光明,黄宝荣,李欣,徐卫华

Estimation of Number of Underground Miners in Chinese Coal Mines    

Application of extension theory to the evaluation of coal mines geological safety    

Study on the Model for the Coal Caving Mining in the Condition of “Three Hards”    

Monitoring and mechanisms of ground deformation and ground fissures induced by cut-and-fill mining in the Jinchuan Mine 2,China    Haijun Zhao;Fengshan Ma;Yamin Zhang;Jie Guo;
