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时间:2024-08-18 18:55:30

甲烷部分氧化制乙炔过程研究(英文)【摘要】:The partial oxidation of hydrocarbons is an important technical rout

【摘要】:The partial oxidation of hydrocarbons is an important technical route to produce acetylene for chemical industry.The partial oxidation reactor is the key to high acetylene yields.This work is an experimental and numerical study on the use of a methane flame to produce acetylene.A lab scale partial oxidation reactor was used to produce ultra fuel-rich premixed jet flames.The axial temperature and species concentration profiles were measured for different equivalence ratios and preheating temperatures,and these were compared to numerical results from Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD)simulations that used the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Probability Density Function(RANS-PDF)approach coupled with detailed chemical mechanisms.The Leeds 1.5,GRI 3.0 and San Diego mechanisms were used to investigate the effect of the detailed chemical mechanisms.The effects of equivalence ratio and preheating temperature on acetylene production were experimentally and numerically studied.The experimental validations indicated that the present numerical simulation provided reliable prediction on the partial oxidation of methane.Using this simulation method the optimal equivalence ratio for acetylene production was determined to be 3.6.Increasing preheating temperature improved acetylene production and shortened greatly the ignition delay time.So the increase of preheating temperature had to be limited to avoid uncontrolled ignition in the mixing chamber and the pyrolysis of methane in the preheater. 【作者单位】: Beijing
【关键词】partial oxidation fuel rich flame acetylene methane detailed chemical mechanism
【基金】:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(20976090) the Foundation for the Author of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of China(200757)
【正文快照】: 1 INTRODUCTION Acetylene(C2H2)is a highly reactive,commer- cially important hydrocarbon used in metalworking and chemicals manufacture[1].There are advantages to the use of acetylene in the chemical industry be- cause a variety of valuable products can b


甲烷部分氧化制乙炔过程研究(英文)    刘业飞;王铁峰;李庆勋;王德峥;

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