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时间:2024-08-18 18:25:16

低浓度甲烷催化燃烧流变向反应器的数值模拟(英文)【摘要】:This work is focused on the performance prediction of pilot s

【摘要】:This work is focused on the performance prediction of pilot scale catalytic reverse flow reactors used for combustion of lean methane-air mixtures.An unsteady one-dimensional heterogeneous model for the reactor was established to account for the influence of the reactor wall on the heat transfer.Results of the simulation indicate that feed concentration,switch time and compensatory temperature impose important influence on the performance of the reactor.The amount of the heat extracted from the mid-section of the reactor can be optimized via adjusting the parameters mentioned above.At the optimal operating conditions,i.e.switching time of 400 s,feed concentration of 1%(by volume),and insulation layer temperature of 343 K,the axial temperature of the reactor revealed a comparatively symmetrical "saddle" distribution,indicating a favorable operating status of the catalytic reverse flow reactor. 【作者单位】: State
【关键词】Methane Catalytic combustion Reverse flow reactor Modeling
【基金】:Supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China(2006AA030201)
【正文快照】: 1.Introduction Global warming caused by greenhouse gases(GHG)in the atmo- sphere is currently a major concern[1].Primary GHG includes carbon dioxide,methane and other hydrocarbons,and oxides of nitrogen[2]. A significant source of methane is fugitive emi


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