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时间:2015-10-16 20:04:05


德国瑙恩附近上个月建成的太阳能板电场。德国制定了野心勃勃的可再生能源发电目标,根据弗劳恩霍费尔研究所发布的统计,太阳能、风能、水与生物质资源占德国2015年上半年国家总发电量的34%。(Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

美国专栏作家克里斯·穆尼(Chris Mooney)10月6日在《美国华盛顿邮报》上发表评论说[1],风电和太阳能发电越来越便宜。还有人说出现了“结构性”转折。彭博社新能源财经(BNEF)的新分析暗示[2],我们不断深入的世界,太阳能或风力发电有更大的经济意义,而不是化石燃料。这是否意味着世界提前进入“太阳能”时代?

BNEF的报告检查了2015年上半年全世界的“平准化电力成本”(LCOE)。它就是个旨在探索全面看待成本的“量度”,包括基建开支、利息和运行成本。按BNEF欧洲、中东和非洲分析主管赛博亨贝斯特(Seb Henbest)的说法,它就是一种“方法”,能够“把技术放在公平竞争的环境,比较它的价值”。

这个报告的根据是全世界大约55000个项目的分析。而且发现从整体上看,目前陆上风电每千度电(MWh)的平均成本$83(比上半年便宜2美元),薄膜江南体育在线直播观看 每MWh的成本$122,仅在半年内就下降了7美元。

这就越来越好与化石燃料比较了——虽然仍然非常依赖于所处的位置。该报告发现,美国燃煤的电力成本平均$75 /MWh,欧洲$105/MWh。美国燃气发电成本平均$82/MWh,欧洲$118/MWh。




相比之下,在中国,燃煤发电仍然极其便宜——只有$44/MWh。风电的成本是$77/MWh,而江南体育在线直播观看 为$109/MWh。






当天,至少一个环保团体的负责人通报了彭博社新能源财经的分析。塞拉俱乐部(Sierra Club)[3]的执行理事迈克尔布伦(Michael Brune)在一声明中说,“风能和太阳能等清洁能源解决方案变得更便宜和更容易获得,意味着它们正在日益成为全美国电力公司和其他电力生产者最聪明的长期金融投资。”“向清洁能源经济过渡正在全速前进,并把危险、肮脏的化石燃料推后到排尾。”



1. Chris Mooney,Wind and solar keep getting cheaper and cheaper,WaPo,October 6 2015


3. 塞拉俱乐部是美国的一个环保组织,著名的环保主义者约翰·缪尔(John Muir)于1892年5月28日在加利福尼亚州旧金山创办了该组织,并成为其首任会长。塞拉俱乐部拥有百万会员,分会遍布美国,且与加拿大塞拉俱乐部(Sierra Club Canada)有紧密的联系。

4. 电缆网,外媒:中国成全球可再生能源最大投资者,2015-10-14。


London and New York, 6 October 2015 – This year has brought a significant shift in the generating cost comparison between renewable energy and fossil fuels, according to detailed analysis by technology and region, published this week by Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

The research companys Levelised Cost of Electricity Update for the second half of 2015, based on thousands of data points related to individual deals and projects around the world, shows that onshore wind and crystalline silicon photovoltaics – the two most widespread renewable technologies – have both reduced costs this year, while costs have gone up for gas-fired and coal-fired generation.

The BNEF study shows that the global average levelised cost of electricity, or LCOE, for onshore wind nudged downwards from $85 per megawatt-hour in the first half of the year, to $83 in H2, while that for crystalline silicon PV solar fell from $129 to $122.

In the same period, the LCOE for coal-fired generation increased from $66 per MWh to $75 in the Americas, from $68 to $73 in Asia-Pacific, and from $82 to $105 in Europe. The LCOE for combined-cycle gas turbine generation rose from $76 to $82 in the Americas, from $85 to $93 in Asia-Pacific and from $103 to $118 in EMEA.

Seb Henbest, head of Europe, Middle East and Africa at Bloomberg New Energy Finance, commented: "Our report shows wind and solar power continuing to get cheaper in 2015, helped by cheaper technology but also by lower finance costs. Meanwhile, coal and gas have got more expensive on the back of lower utilisation rates, and in Europe, higher carbon price assumptions following passage of the Market Stability Reserve reform."

Levelised costs take into account not just the cost of generating a marginal MWh of electricity, but also the upfront capital and development expense, the cost of equity and debt finance, and operating and maintenance fees.

Among other low-carbon energy technologies, offshore wind reduced its global average LCOE from $176 per MWh, to $174, but still remains significantly more expensive than wind, solar PV, coal or gas, while biomass incineration saw its levelised cost stay steady at $134 per MWh. Nuclear, like coal and gas, has very different LCOE levels from one region of the world to another, but both the Americas and the Europe, Middle East and Africa region saw increases in levelised costs, to $261 and $158 per MWh respectively.

Among the country-level findings of the BNEF study are that onshore wind is now fully cost-competitive with both gas-fired and coal-fired generation, once carbon costs are taken into account, in the UK and Germany. In the UK, onshore wind comes in on average at $85 per MWh in the second half of 2015, compared to $115 for combined-cycle gas and $115 for coal-fired power; in Germany, onshore wind is at $80, compared to $118 for gas and $106 for coal.

In China, onshore wind is cheaper than gas-fired power, at $77 per MWh versus $113, but it is much more expensive still than coal-generated electricity, at $44, while solar PV power is at $109. In the US, coal and gas are still cheaper, at $65 per MWh, against onshore wind at $80 and PV at $107.

Luke Mills, analyst, energy economics at Bloomberg New Energy Finance, said: "Generating costs continue to vary greatly from region to region, reflecting influences such as the shale gas boom in the US, changing utilisation rates in areas of high renewables penetration, the shortage of local gas production in East Asia, carbon prices in Europe, differing regulations on nuclear power across the world, and contrasting resources for solar generation.

"But onshore wind and solar PV are both now much more competitive against the established generation technologies than would have seemed possible only five or 10 years ago."

