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时间:2020-02-06 18:02:41

吉利德对瑞德西韦专利纷争表态:患者第一,不希望卷入专利纷争2月5日晚,吉利德CEO Daniel O’Day在youtube上发表了一封公开邮件中表示,吉利德已与中国卫生部门达成了

2月5日晚,吉利德CEO Daniel O’Day在youtube上发表了一封公开邮件中表示,吉利德已与中国卫生部门达成了协议,将会支持对新型冠状病毒感染者开展两项临床试验,以确定瑞德西韦作为冠状病毒潜在治疗手段的安全性和有效性。根据最新的消息显示,这次在武汉进行的临床实验有两项,一是研究评估瑞德西韦用于未表现出显著临床症状患者的治疗效果,也就是轻、重症患者。另一项则是评估其用于重症确诊病患的疗效。临床试验牵头方中日友好医院方面也进一步披露了细节:这次的临床试验将一共入组患者761例,其中轻、中症患者308例,重症患者453例。

针对近期网络上热议的关于瑞德西韦的专利纷争,吉利德CEO Daniel O’Day在公开邮件表示,首先应该坚持患者第一,希望能够推动更多的临床项目确保真正对患者有帮助;其次,吉利德公司也希望推动量产,尽可能多地提供给全球患者。最后,公司的核心关注在于病人,不希望卷入专利纠纷。

下面附上吉利德CEO Daniel O’Day在媒体上公开的邮件原文:

It’s a very relevant question. And obviously it just came out overnight, and like everything with regard to Remdesivir, ah, you know we are moving as quickly as we can. I think my message to you and everybody is that has no impact on what we are going to do with global health.

I just want to be tremendously clear here that our responsibility is the patients. And our responsibility is number one: pursue the right clinical programs to determine whether or not this medicine has impact with patients or not, and it’ll be driven by the science, by the clinical evidence.

And at the same time, ramping our production up, in the event that it does, we can get this medicine to as many patients around the globe as needed. Patent is not at the forefront of our minds.

I will say, ‘cause I checked with our patent colleagues, that as we would with any medicine at Gilead, we have patents on Remdesivir, not only for the compound, but also for all of its use including coronavirus in regions around the world.

But we will not get into a patent dispute, we will find a way to help patients, and of course, we will protect our intellectual property as a separate step of the process. But patients first.
